Activities planned for the May half term are as follows so please signpost your children and their schools to these events. There will be a leaflet to promote the being delivered around the appropriate locations in Fylde.
The Council and it's partners are keen to ensure that children of all ages have varied activities across the Borough, as we all know keeping the kids occupied during the holiday's can be difficult so we hope that there will be something for everyone in the programme below.
Mobile high ropes course and Archery
Weds 28th May 2008- Bridges playing field at Warton, 1-4pm
Fri 30th may 2008- Kirkham memorial Gardens, 1-4pm
Summer Sports outreach will be at the following locations around the area of Fylde.
There are some provisional dates for trips to Tower Wood over summer for young people to enjoy. (Outdoor activitiy centre in the lake district)These will be supervised trips and any parent can contact the Council for further details.
Sports Outreach
Monday 4th, 11th, 18th aug
1-3pm- bridges playing field warton, staining village playing fields, newton-school lane playing field, kirkham youth base.
4-6pm- mornington rd playing field, freckleton- lower lane, hove rd park st annes, blackpool rd north playing fields
7-9pm- park view playing fields, kirkham memorial gardens, hope st recreation ground, william pickles park- clifton
Tues 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th aug
1-3pm weeton army camp-the pavillion, blackpool rd nth playing fields, elswick village multi-games area, waddington rd field
4-6pm- ashton gardens, fleetwood rd park wesham, william pickle park,-clifton, freckleton-lower lane multi games area
7-9pm- kirkham memorial gardens, bridges playing field- warton, hope st recreation ground, hove rd park-st annes
weds 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th aug
1-3pm- bridges playing field- warton, newton-school lane playing field, staining village playing fields, weeton army camp-the pavillion
4-6pm- mayfield school field, mornington rd playing field, hove rd park-st annes, weeton army camp-the pavillion
7-9pm freckleton- lower lane, hope st recreation ground, kirkham memorial gardens, ashton gardens
thurs 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th Aug
1-3pm- weeton army camp-the pavillion, elswick village multi games area, staining village playing fields, kirkham youth base.
4-6pm- park view playing field lytham, fleetwood rd park wesham, william pickles field-clifton, ashton gardens
7-9pm- hope st recreation ground, kirkham memorial gardens, bridges playing field-warton, waddington rd field
Fri 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th Aug
1-3pm- bridges playing field- warton, staining village playing fields, waddington rd field, blackpool rd north playing field
4-6pm- mornington rd playing field, hove rd park- st annes, elswick village multi games area, newton-school lane playing field
7-9pm- ashton gardens, hope st recreation ground, freckleton-lower lane, mayfield school field.
High Ropes
The high ropes will be at the following destinations
Tues 12th aug blackpool rd north 1-6pm
Weds 13th aug bridges playing field warton 1-6pm
Thurs 14th aug kirkham youth base 1-6pm
Tues 19th aug freckleton, lower lane 1-6pm
weds 20th aug, ashton gardens, 1-6pm
thurs 21st aug, park view, lytham, 1-6pm
Finally Proposed Tower Wood Trips. (each trip will accomodate approx 18 young people 11+)
Tues 5th August all day (returning at end of day)
Weds 6th Aug all day (returning at end of day)
Weds 27th Aug to Thurs 28th Aug (overnight residential away)