Supporting Small Shops
Small shops are at the heart of our high streets and town centres. They offer diversity and choice and provide a really personal service to their community.
Yet in many communities these independent retailers are under threat. They face a rising burden of regulation and tax, a daily battle against crime and violence, and competition from the growth of out-of-town shopping centres. It is estimated that 2000 shops close every year.
Join our campaign to support Britain’s small shops by signing our petition today.
In the Summer, Conservative MPs published a report which set out the challenges facing small shops and ideas for the way ahead. It concluded that we must stand up for small retailers and recognise the vital role they play at the heart of our communities.
So we are campaigning to promote and save our small shops. In particular we are opposing Labour plans to make it easier for more out-of-town development, by scrapping the so-called ‘needs test’. If implemented, this will further undermine small, town centre shops.
You can help save your local shop. Become part our campaign to keep small shops at the heart of our communities.
Mark Prisk MP, the Conservative Shadow Minister for Small Businesses - “If you value your local shops then join our campaign to help them. You can make a difference.”
“Cllr John Coombes added in Fylde we have prided ourselves on our shopping centres and our smaller retail centres such as Whalley Place and St Albans Road, but success runs the risk of all of us becoming complacent about their long term future which can lead to outside funding being diverted away from Fylde, our local campaign to get local retailers and business owners working together and with the Council should help strengthen our voice and ensure that we all have a part to play in developing a long term plan for our town centres“
“We also need to urge residents to shop local and to support local retailers. By walking around the corner to the local shops we are securing their future as well as saving the environment - buy local and buy British has to be the mantra during these difficult trading times“
Sign our petition at
Read the report and send your comments and ideas to the Office of Mark Prisk at mooren@parliament.uk or write to him at Mark Prisk MP, House of Commons, London, SW1A OAA
Write to the Government to say NO to scrapping the needs test. Address your letters to Hazel Blears, the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, House of Commons, London, SW1A OAA
Download our poster via www.conservatives.com