I know we have tried lobbying LCC, MP, the papers, North West Regional Assembly etc etc to get something done, but I am convinced that a debate needs to be had regarding the future of this road should the funding not be found to upgrade the road. It would be useful to have residents feedback on the following:
1. Should speed bumps be installed?
2. Should the road be made one way only? (IE just taking the traffic out of town)
3. Should it have more pull In's?
4. Should it have lighting on the pull-In's?
5. Should the speed limit be reduced to 30mph?
There is almost 800,000 pounds sat in the LCC coffers waiting to be spent on removing the Goose neck which appears in the picture, however, what about the rest of the road?? With funding for new road building only being able to come from new housing developments it may be some years before Lancs CC get the money to do anything at all.
This road is a vital link for the Town and Ward and the pressure needs to be taken off Heyhouses Lane as soon as possible. Let me have your views.