The area is experiencing a significant amount of rainfall with blocked drains and gulleys creating problems. The Council does not supply sandbags but below is some useful advice:
SandBag Advice
Although the council does have a very limited quantity of sandbags they are for emergency incident use only and as such we are unable to issue any to the public or businesses.
Anyone requesting sandbags can however purchase a small quantity of sand from a builders supplies merchant and strong plastic bags (similar to the blue recycling paper bags or plastic "rubble" bags). The builders supply merchant can for a small fee deliver the sand and plastic bags to there address. They should fill the bags with sand to form a sloppy sausage (this will be the best for sealing in awkward places) they will not work very well if the bag is solid. The plastic bag will help keep the sand dry and lighter and the sandbag can always be reused.
The Council is also working with Government Office North West and the Environment Agency to get some information on the Councils website to inform residents were to go to report blocked drains or roads that are flooded. There are also plans to publish the Councils Emergency Contingency plans and I have asked that the information that we have available regarding potential flood risk areas be published. You can use the link on this site to report highway faults also. Hope this is of use.