The future options relating to the upgrade of the Town Hall will be brought to Councillors in a few weeks time. Although the project had no financial bearing on this years budget decisions, what has come to light is a perceived change of view from local residents as to whether the current Town Hall building should be retained? Initial plans to demolish the current Town Hall met with public protest back in 2002, which led to the Council developing it's current plans. I Have spent many many hours in recent weeks talking, writing and emailing residents about the budget challenges and also assuring them that the Pool in St Annes has not been earmarked for closure so that the site can be used as a new site for either Town Hall or Travel Lodge Hotel.
What has become apparent from these exchanges with St Annes residents, is that perhaps many, may now well support the Council in a cheaper new Town Hall option? Although this would lead to the loss of the current old building, it would allow the Council to divert funds into a new modern, privately operated multi use Leisure Complex in the Borough?
The current Town Hall is one of the most environmentally unfriendly Town Halls in the Country in relation to it's energy efficiency figures. The annual heating and maintenance costs for Council accommodation is almost £591,000 pounds per year, the average running costs per square meter is £40 per meter more, than the average Town Hall. Much of the floor area cannot be used by staff, yet still needs heating and maintenance. By bringing all Council employees under one roof into an energy efficient, modern building the Council can release much needed revenue to spend on other local initiatives.
The modernisation of the current Town Hall buildings would cost almost double the cost of the £7 million new build and is clearly out of the question. The Conservatives also agreed that the project should not be financed through Council Tax increases (Revenue Budget), but from the sale of surplus assets such as buildings and land (Capital Asset's). It may be useful for readers to note that the use of Capital monies cannot be used to support Revenue Projects, such as the daily running costs of the Swimming Pools.
So with the above facts and figures in mind, we need to be sure that we are listening to residents views and that we spend their money wisely and with due consideration to the fact that, whenever we finally build a new Town Hall or Pool, we do so, ensuring that it is future proofed and will not become either a £591,000 or £433,000 financial burden to you the tax payer, each year.