This week Councillor John Coombes welcomes back RideSafeBackSafe to Fairhaven Lake and Gardens. The event is run by the Lancashire Partnership for Road Safety and the key message is to promote road safety. The event attracts a large number of bikers and spectators. The event is open to all and last year attracted over 7,000 both regionally, nationally; as well as holiday makers and residents.
Councillor Halewood commented that “As a I am just in the process of taking my bike licence I am really pleased that this event is coming back to Fairhaven Lake again this year; it has a key safety message as well as being an excellent event for people, local and not so local to attend”
John Coombes added " Although this is a fun event there is a serious message attached to it - that of using your motorcycle safely and getting home as a result. Last year I decided to take the Institute of Advanced Motorcyclists (IAM) course through South Lancs Advanced Motorcyclists Group, I learned a great deal about road craft, which is a key element of the course. After falling off my machine in December and suffering a broken collar bone, it highlights why we two wheel fans have to respect the road!"
Cllr Hyde added ”Fairhaven Lake is great place to be, and this weekend is no exception with this exciting event for all ages.”
Fairhaven Lake has become the home for the RideSafeBackSafe event and Fylde Council hopes to build on it's success by increasing the event each year by inviting more local and National Motorcycle Clubs to come to the Fylde Coast to hold their events.
The event this Sunday includes:
An action-packed and informative bike show, featuring Maria Costello, the fastest woman at the TT.
Stunt performances by Dave Coates, Xtreme Trials Display Team, MPC Urals and Zero Gravity Freestyle Trials Team.
Entertainment Zone with live bands
Straightliners Drag Racing demonstration
New bikes
Trade stands
Information Zone
Fee bike park
Helmet park
Food stands